How to unban players?

In-Game : /mixasunban BANID CMD : mixasunban BANID

How to unban all bans ?

CMD : mixasdeleteallbans

Modders cheating in my server and anticheat does nothing. What should I do?

Keep calm create πŸ“œticket on the Discord. We will help you with your configurations or even more if necessary.

Where to find all props(entities) with their hash codes ?

How to find Steam HEX ID and how to add them to Admin Whitelist ?

You should go here http://vacbanned.com/ to find steam HEX IDs of people by using their steam URL.

Then you should add their hex IDs to command cmd like this:

addAdmin - Example use : addAdmin AdminName steam:11000014cb94h86b

delAdmin - Example use : delAdmin steam:11000014cb94h86b

PS: Keep in mind these people are able to bypass the anticheat so make sure you really trust them.

NPCs and Vehicles disappearing, how to fix it ?

If you have NPCs or peds in your server you should disable PSL and VSL in entityconfig.lua Attention, when you disable PSL and VSL cheater will be able to spawn NPCs and Vehicles. If your Vehicles still keeps dissappearing you can increase VehicleSpawnLimit.

Last updated